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Recruitment and selection - employing a personality

Terry Elmaleh

Any organisation faces the challenge of recruiting and selecting the people that are going to make things happen. This has to be done in an effective and sustainable way.

Organisations essentially recruit groups of personalities with different skills who work towards a common goal – the success of the organisation.

A person with an individual personality is selected to work for an organization. He brings with him many attitudes, feelings and perceptions which are challenging to identify accurately. A potential employee should also be assessed for corporate culture fit.

Adequately matching job descriptions to job performance criteria is a skill and managerial jobs are the most difficult to describe and clearly analyse.The pace of technological advance puts the most emphasis on being able to establish who would be the best prepared to cope with change. A skilled and qualified person may score high on skills-based tasks but may not be a good team player when the job later requires this and the traditional testing for this does not always pick up this discrepancy. A highly qualified professional may only perform at his best when working alone and not when managing other staff members which puts him into a stressful situation. A candidate may be adept at inflating his skills or on the contrary be too humble to boast about his true skill value.

Expectations are an important aspect to consider when employing a personality and it is fair to assume that unless expectations; of both the employee and the company are met; a successful working relationship will not be sustained.

One of the challenges for companies is understanding the unwritten and often non-verbalised expectations and uncertainties of the employee. Such uncertainties as: how hard to work, how creative to be, feelings of loyalty and commitment, expectations of being taken care of and of achieving fulfillment. Handwriting analysis is an extremely valuable tool in assessing these subtle personality variables in prospective employees.

Handwriting analysis has been shown to have as much validity as other projective personality tests. Traditional selection testing, whilst useful in certain areas, has limitations. One of them is the assumption that an applicant can be placed in a standard test situation.

People are dynamic and in constant interaction with their environment. Handwriting analysis is an important means of assessing an individual in his “real” state, without him being able to fake, acquiesce or pre-empt what is being tested.

More and more research points to the fact that personality, more than anything else, is the single most important contributor for employees either being able to sustain employment or not. Interpersonal relationships of people at work and principally the relationships with their managers are cardinal factors in job satisfaction and productivity.

Handwriting Analysis provides valuable insight into an individual’s personality. Handwriting Analysis adds an important dimension to understanding an individual and her personality traits. It sheds light on the finer details of a person’s makeup as it entails a unique holistic study of a specific personality and not a standard measure applied across the board without regard to the person’s individuality.


DISCLAIMER: The reports that I provide constitute my own personal handwriting/document forensic examiner/statement analyser expertise and opinion. All reports are treated as confidential. No handwriting analyses will be undertaken without agreement to terms and conditions which include the consent of the writer except for forensic handwriting/document examination cases where consent is not always available. 

Terry Elmaleh

+27 (0) 825567121

© 2021 Forensic Handwriting Examiner & Analyst

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